I recently downloaded data from the CFPS, so I figured I would share my findings. Analysis code here.
Correlation (r) between income and verbal/math composite score by birth province:
Race Science
difference between han and dongxiang depression: p < .001
difference between han and dongxiang IQ: p < .001
difference between han and dongxiang BMI: p < .05
difference between han and miao BMI: p < .001
difference between han and miao depression: p < .001
difference between han and miao height: p < .001
difference between han and bai depression: p > .1
difference between han and mongolian BMI: p < .001
difference between han and tibetan height: p < .1
difference between han and tibetan IQ: p < .001
difference between han and yi height: p < .001
difference between han and man height: p < .05
difference between han and bouyei depression: p < .001
Organizations (only within men):
Communist vs None depression: p < .001
Communist vs None BMI: p < .001
Democrat vs None IQ: p = .012
Correlation between respondent’s educational attainment and spouse’s:
Assortative mating for education (r) by birthplace:
Average IQ of child by father’s political affiliation:
% of fathers who are Communists by province:
Update: there are other cognitive tests in the followups, which are not verbal/math based. They have smaller race/province difference, probably because they are less g-loaded and are less affected by illiteracy (about ~10% score at the lowest due to this in both measures).
I redid some analysis of IQ related measures, not using maps as they no longer work, for whatever reason. Overall, I got the same results.
Average IQ by province (average forced to 104):
IQ by race:
Father political party and IQ:
S factor study for China incoming?