I recently tweeted out a map of the average IQ by Chinese province:
Given that some are skeptical of the Chinese government’s capability to collect this kind of research honestly, I decided to download the CFPS (Chinese NLSY) and tried to estimate the averages myself. I then calculated the average IQ by province and adjusted for selection bias detected within the study using the sampling weights. These were the results:
They correlate at .7 with the results from the iodine study, indicating that there is some consistency to both estimates.
Here’s a second one I made with added number series + memory data:
chad <- read_sas("C:/Users/_____/OneDrive/Documents/rstuff/thedat.sas7bdat", NULL)
chad$v <- chad$WORDTEST
chad$m <- chad$MATHTEST
chad$age <- chad$QA1AGE
chad$inc <- chad$INCOME
chad$prov <- chad$QA102ACODE
chad$v[chad$v < 0] <- NA
chad$m[chad$m < 0] <- NA
chad$inc[chad$inc < 1] <- NA
chad$age[chad$age < 0] <- NA
chad$schol <- getpc(subset(chad, select=c(v, m)))
fit <- ols(data=chad, as.formula(glue::glue("inc ~ rcs(age, 5)")))
chad$inc2[!is.na(chad$inc) & !is.na(chad$age)] <- fit$residuals
cor.test(chad$inc, chad$inc2)
fit <- ols(data=chad, as.formula(glue::glue("schol ~ rcs(age, 5)")))
chad$schol2[!is.na(chad$schol) & !is.na(chad$age)] <- fit$residuals
cor.test(chad$schol, chad$schol2)
cor.test(chad$schol2, chad$inc2)
prov <- unique(chad$prov)
iq <- NA
n <- NA
dante <- data.frame(prov, iq)
dante$n <- n
dante$se <- NA
for(i in 1:length(unique(chad$prov))) {
j = unique(chad$prov)[i]
onlyprov <- subset(chad, chad$prov == j)
dante$n[i] <- nrow(subset(onlyprov, !is.na(onlyprov$schol2)))
dante$iq[i] <- weighted.mean(x=onlyprov$schol2, weights=onlyprov$Rswt_Nat, na.rm=T)*15+104
dante$se[i] <- 1/sqrt(nrow(subset(onlyprov, !is.na(onlyprov$schol2))))*15
key_list <- list("Beijing" = 11, "Tianjin" = 12, "Hebel" = 13, "Shanxi" = 14, "Inner mongolia" = 15, "Liaoning" = 21, "Jilin" = 22, "Heilongjiang" = 23, "Shanghai" = 31, "Jiangsu" = 32, "Zhejiang" = 33, "Anhui" = 34, "Fujian" = 35, "Jiangxi" = 36, "Shandong" = 37, "Henan" = 41, "Hubei" = 42, "Hunan" = 43, "Guangdong" = 44, "Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region" = 45, "Hainan" = 46, "Chongqing" = 50, "Sichuan" = 51, "Guizhou" = 52, "Yunnan" = 53, "Shaanxi" = 61, "Gansu" = 62, "Qinghai" = 63, "Ningxia Hui Autonomous" = 64, "Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region" = 65, "Tibet" = 54)
strings <- names(key_list)[match(dante$prov, unlist(key_list))]
dante$snames <- strings
dante$iq[dante$se > 2] <- NA
china_provinces <- st_read('C:/Users/micha/OneDrive/Documents/rstuff/province.shp')
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[1] <- dante$snames[4]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[2] <- dante$snames[6]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[3] <- dante$snames[5]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[4] <- dante$snames[11]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[5] <- dante$snames[16]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[6] <- dante$snames[1]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[7] <- dante$snames[22]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[8] <- dante$snames[9]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[9] <- dante$snames[15]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[10] <- dante$snames[2]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[11] <- dante$snames[13]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[12] <- dante$snames[7]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[13] <- dante$snames[27]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[14] <- dante$snames[18]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[15] <- dante$snames[12]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[16] <- dante$snames[17]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[17] <- dante$snames[8]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[18] <- dante$snames[14]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[19] <- dante$snames[19]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[20] <- dante$snames[23]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[21] <- dante$snames[29]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[22] <- dante$snames[20]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[23] <- dante$snames[26]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[24] <- dante$snames[10]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[25] <- dante$snames[32]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[26] <- dante$snames[3]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[27] <- dante$snames[24]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[28] <- dante$snames[31]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[29] <- dante$snames[28]
china_provinces$NAME_PINGY[30] <- dante$snames[30]
try <- left_join(china_provinces, dante, by=c('NAME_PINGY' = "snames"))
try$centroid <- st_centroid(try$geometry)
ggplot(data = try) +
geom_sf(aes(fill = iq)) + # Assuming the column with province names is named "NAME"
theme_minimal() +
geom_sf_text(aes(label = round(iq, 1), geometry = centroid), check_overlap = TRUE, size=3) +
labs(title = "Average IQ by birthplace (average forced to 104)", fill = "iq") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks = element_blank())
Nice variable names