Jul 28Liked by Sebastian Jensen

looks like over a third of these men are British-descent (counting Americans of English, Welsh, Scottish, etc) and a third are Jewish, very similar to the most significant American scientists post-1950

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Elon Musk doesn't strike me as a thinker of any sorts.

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Any such list is highly subjective. I would have included:

Edward Dutton – Evolutionary Psychology

Mattias Desmet

Michael Shellenberger

Charles Hugh Smith

Guillaume Faye

Michael Nehls

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I agree about Quillette having lost relevance. For some reason I had not read their articles for a while. Then I did yesterday, and discovered rote, conventional ideas with weak citations that actually directly contradicted the article assertions. Pulling my support for them.

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Eric Kaufmann? Ben Shapiro?

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Shapiro is a mirror. He reflects back to the audience what they wish to hear, therefore cannot be considered influential in his own right.

Kaufmann is not a bad choice, but at his highest he is in the honorable mentions category.

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Other names: Bari Weiss, Ayaan Hirsi Ali (and her husband!), and Douglas Murray.

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I think Ali's decision to convert was a big deal in 2024z

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Mid-2010s Shapiro popularized debating leftists to a good extent and gave people like Matt Walsh a platform. I think his influence on the culture war is undeniable.

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Actually read Harari. Then take him off the list post-haste.

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Missing Balaji Srinivasan. Your tiers don't make sense to me but he should be in there somewhere.

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Interesting list. Ofc Yarvin has many radical and relatively unique ideas, but is his reach that big? Seems weird for him to be in same category as Thiel but perhaps his reach is broader than I know.

Also I'd question including people like Yuval or Singer on the list as both seem to be at most center-left (roughly). In terms of sheet influence, however, both should be very high up imo.

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Konstantin Kisin and Niall Ferguson come to mind.

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Surely Ed West deserves a mention?

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Aporia is similar to Palladium and Quillette.

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Interesting article and list! I would consider adding the daily wire folks like Ben Shapiro and Matt Walsh who are both largely impactful.

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What about Spandrell?

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Punches well above his weight, but he's still niche. In terms of Neoreactionary philosophy, the most influential are Yarvin and Land; beyond that it's either mediocre thinkers or ones that fill a necessary void, Spandrell's being a more brutal and forthright style that the masses find off-putting.

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Anatoly Karlin?

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Contender in the 10s due to being one of the biggest (leading? not that familiar with that era) Russian reactionaries, but has since shifted his medium of transmission as well as his worldview. Time will tell whether he reaches the top again.

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