Point of advice for everybody on the list. You shouldn't want to be "good for your age." Some day you'll age out of that, and then you'll be the home alone kid living in a crack den. You should want to be good period.

RE: "young talent is getting funneled into audiovisual mediums like podcasting, youtube, and social media"

This is an issue of skill, not environment. The written form is the one most convenient for documenting one's thoughts whereas the others are most convenient for a viewer to digest the thoughts of somebody else. Anybody who deals in ideas will naturally be attracted to writing.

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Trvthnuke -- good for your age is a complacency mentality.

For that reason, and a few others, I plan to transition to a different line of work in a few years. I'll still probably be around, but not as active.

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Part of the issue for/with Zoomers (Gen-X here) is that the kids are NEVER all right. People who don't pay attention to Substack or X now, in 20 years will be complaining it's all crap.

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Many zoomers also choose to make videos nowadays, instead of writing essays, e.g. Commander Waldo: https://www.youtube.com/@CommanderWaldo

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There's also alden whitfeld, who's even younger than i am:


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Nah, I appreciate the support but I’m just an amateur compared to the writers I admire such as yourself. I’ll keep trying to get there though.

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On one hand, YAY. Zoomer-power.

On the I’ve never felt so useless, knowing these guys are zoomers. WTF have I been doing with my life. I assume half of these guys are 30+

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I wouldn't be surprised if I mistakently pegged a few millennials as zoomers -- for all I know Masaki and arctotherium could be above 50. But if they are, then perhaps it would be best not to say they are not for purposes of opsec.

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Too much non-fiction (self-interested, yes)

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I've been reading a bit of Bronski lately and I've come to the conclusion that he suffers from terminal math brain and is actually retarted.

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Damn, I can't stay subscribed to a "man" who's 5'7. It's been real, Seb. 🫡

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I am also 5'7".

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“I humbly denied his offer to have me (5’7’’, 145lb, feminine appearance) to stand in to play the role of a female dancer, which seemed to upset him a little”

>so is he gay?💀

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No I'm trolling

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I'm not sure if Zoomers actually write less than previous generations. Previous generations didn't really have a reason to write, because unless it was part of your job nobody would ever see your writing. Meanwhile, Zoomers were reared on platforms they could let their thoughts run wild on and get at least a few people to see their work. Just because people read less now doesn't mean they'll write less. Producing podcasts and videos and that sort of thing requires you to write scripts and also do a bunch of extra work, so a lot of people opt for the easier route of writing. I'm 20 by the way, so your prediction is correct

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Wtf you’re my age damn I’m impressed

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Do I quakify for this

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if Cremieux is in his 20s i'll kill myself

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From vibes and general dourness I got the vibe that arctotherium was in his 40s or sometbinf

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“It’s worth mentioning that most future writers will not start writing until their late 20s or early 30s; “

Maybe. Feel like most writers write for awhile before putting anything out. That age range is probably when they feel the urge to compete/ feel confident enough to post their work.

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Masaki isn't young, or he is deliberately misdirecting, but I already saw some of his tweets thru-out last year that point him in more of a 35-40 range.


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Zoomers not writing is a much more noticable problem in the creative sphere, as opposed to the political. The ones that do either follow The Formula to the letter, or are buried under piles of shelf-filler smut.

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