Right wingers tend to build spheres around individuals, while left wingers tend to build spheres around ideas. This is not a hard distinction, but a cline - all communities are built honoring a combination of people and ideas, and it turns out that right wingers tend to honor people while left wingers honor ideas. Central figures typically possess similar traits: they build an audience organically, possess a charismatic personality, are reasonably intelligent, and may have sources of funding.
Because of this tendency, most communities on the right can be described as “the x community” where x is the largest influencer or friend group in that sphere. The few exceptions to this are the normiecons and the dirtbag left, with the former coalescing around classical liberalism and the latter coalescing around cum town and the chapo guys. Funny enough, it is the most subversive and moderate elements of both sides that are the most like the other in terms of community formation.
Some comments about specific communities:
The Nick Sphere
This sphere consists of Nick Fuentes, who promotes pro-Socialist, religious, misogynistic, race realist, and anti-semitic Nationalism. In terms of ideas he’s not compelling, but he has a charismatic personality and a lot of talent, which drives (deserved) viewership. If I had to guess, Nick’s IQ is somewhere between 115-135, and his big 5 personality profile could be summarized as high extraversion, high openness, high neuroticism, and very low conscientiousness. I strongly suspect he’s gay because he went on a (supposedly ironic) date with catboy kami, has a catty personality, and watches Euphoria.
I am critical of this sphere for several reasons; Nick is unstable and is potentially abusive. The sphere does not produce novel or good ideas, and is recycling old wignat talking points which people have heard already. Accordingly, most people attracted to this movement are losers, typically young men with little prospects in life.
And, dear God. Please stop complaining about the Jews. I understand that they might not have a great political influence on our country. But trust me, they do not warrant that level of revulsion.
The BAP Sphere
This sphere consists of a network of posters who rose up on Salo Forums, including BAP, Hakan, Thomas777, and 2nd City Bureaucrat. Promote White supremacy, populism, sex/race/biological realism, and Fascism. There is no boundary, platform, or group identification that decides what makes this group what it is, making the space resistant to attacks, but less powerful over the political mainstream.
This is a solid space, as it promotes good ideas and roots out subversives who advocate for catholic integralism and crazy shit. I have seen criticism of the promotion of amoralism/Nietzscheanism, as it is more effective to subvert opression narratives by pointing out logical/moral inconsistencies than to endorse opression outright. This is correct, though I think that there can be a coexistence between those who deconstruct the oppression narrative (e.g. the alt hype), and others who deconstruct the opression narrative by undermining modern morality itself (e.g. BAP).
The main weaknesses of this community is the fact that truth is subordinated in favor of optics.
Many people attack Murray in particular for doing this, but I have heard a rumour (from the podcast Carribean Rythms) that he does this for a specific reason, and if it is true, I don’t blame him for it. Also, he was writing at a time when it was still up in the air whether HBD could succeed as a mainstream scientific position, so trying to advance “respectable racism” was the best choice in that time.
I am still satisfied with the community; HBD serves as a gateway into general contrarianism, as it is arguably the most documented case of the mainstream being unwilling to accept something that is scientifically irrefutable. Some HBD bloggers are highly statistically literate, so their takes on other scientific topics tend to be accurate, making the HBD community function as a broader scientific community.
The Tatesphere
This is one of the worst spheres in all of the right wing. There is no political goal, the influencers are low quality, and the audience is composed of woman-hating normies and losers. Where is the racism? Where is the Fascism? Where is the elite human capital? Garbage.
Tate is also quick to put down any substantial competition to him in finances or views. For example, he disavowed Sneako and Neon for promoting onlyfans girls, when he is a camgirl warehouser. I doubt that was the real reason why he kicked them to the curb - he saw young men with talent and felt competed with. This comes of as insecure to me; if he was promoting high quality content or good ideas, he would not bother putting down younger versions of himself who (unfortunately) view him as a hero.
I am aware Tate’s persona is just an act, and that on some level this deception is respectable, but this doesn’t change the fact that he posts coal. Super dark pitch vantablack nightmare coal.
Tech Right
The tech right is a somewhat new phenomenon, Hanania first noted it by realizing that a plurality of his readers worked in the tech industry, even though he never wrote about tech itself. This community is not defined by a particular leader or even ideology, instead the sphere has been organized based on shared political leanings and cultural affinities that arise from the use of technology. Among the tech right, I count Nick Land, Curtis Yarvin, Roko, Peter Thiel, Richard Hanania, and Marc Andreessen as members.
BAP has noted a link between the tech community and the HBD community; I think this is because (genuine) materialism is the default worldview in tech people, and genuine materialist thought lends itself to hereditarian thinking.
(and no, my name is not Eva (???). Stop asking.)
Version 1:
You can scrape Twitter links to build an empirical map instead of assuming one.
Great effort, little to critique here. (Though I now reject the RW ideology and identify as a queer Woke freak).
You might be interested in comparing it to this map of Neo-Reaction from a decade ago now: https://akarlin.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/map-dark-enlightenment.png
Could add a few factions (understandable in most cases as you're a zoomer and most of these are oldfags):
* Richard Spencer and the Eurofash who combine Third Reich imagery with NATO
* Old school WNs, e.g. Jared Taylor
* Quillette should be part of a bigger IDW faction that heavily intersects with Western civilization/Zionist types like Douglas Murray
* Groyper faction should be more clearly delineated
* Obviously the conservapol/MAGA grifter clan but it might be too normie for this map.
> Nick is unstable and is potentially abusive
Nothing potential about it and one need to be in his movement to see it. That community is big on apology rituals - I am very loosely acquainted with one such person who had to figuratively prostrate before Nick on account of the usual banal RW drama.