The ESS asked Europeans in its seventh wave whether certain races were born less hardworking or intelligent than others. These are the proportions who answered yes by country:
The correlation between household income decile and endorsing intelligence-based hereditarianism is negative (r = -.077), though this relationship varies by country:
I repeated this analysis, but with educational attainment. The same pattern was observed.
For age (values above 100 removed):
Self-reported 0-10 right wing scale:
Sample size for each country for the Hardworking/race realism question.
Sample size for each country for the IQ/race realism question.
Correlation between household income decile and belief that some races are born less intelligent by country.
Correlation between educational attainment and belief that some races are born less intelligent by country.
No sex difference in endorsement.
Differences (d[,1] is the lower CI, [,2] is the difference, and [,3] is the upper CI):
Proportion replying yes to IQ/race realism question by self-reported right wing views:
Proportion who belief in some races are born less intelligent (IQhered) and that some are less hardworking (Chered) by country
Ironically, the high position of the UK (and Ireland) despite otherwise being quite "Woke" is probably by dint of English language access to HBD blogs/media.
Europoors only have access to old translated mainstream stuff like Gould.
Excellent post. I suggest you put a little more effort into the plots. E.g.:
1. Better color scheme, red = negative, blue = positive. Shades of blue are hard to tell apart where the 0 exactly is.
2. Plot the correlations on the country's centroid (there's R functions that compute the centroid location).
3. Should try a multi-level regression model. Hereditarianism ~ rcs(age) + sex + country + survey_year. Some more models with additional covariates that one could questions, e.g. education.